Remember when you went to a movie as a kid and you sat in your seat a little early and you looked up and there was nothing on the screen? A blank white canvas? and no sound, save for the gently numbing music of either a local radio station or canned elevator music? It gave you time to talk to your neighbour, say hi to someone you recognize a few rows ahead, or have a thought inside your own head.
What the hell happened? Last night was an all out assault on the senses. We showed up 15 minutes prior to show time and were subjected to a barrage of ridiculous advertising at a volume that was equal to that of the actual movie we had gone to see... what is this? Seriously?! 15 Scotiabank ads? Dear Scotiabank, I GET IT, I am richer than I think... or at least you think I am richer than I think, because I certainly don't feel rich, and I doubt very much that I am rich given the status of my depleted line of credit.
We sat through this drivel for ten minutes before the actual previews started, remember when there were previews? I ask that deliberately with an 's' attached. ONE preview, total. That was all. One. That was all that was shown to me. One preview. That didn't mean there weren't more ads. You'll never guess who they were for.... Scotiabank. I guess they needed to remind me one last time before the flick began that I was again, more wealthy than I had previously thought.
The rest were Rogers/Telus/Koodo/Bell/ ads and so I am wondering if I could ask a simple question of these wonderful Canadian companies.
Why? Who freaking cares, there are only like 33 million of us in Canada, and there are four banks and four freaking cellphone companies. It is not like there are a ton of choices out there, its the law that there can only be like four. SO Why all the ads? Who CARES? I'm only allowed to choose from the four of you. Just shut up already. I think I have had a bank account, throughout my life at all of you. Its all the same. And Cellphone companies, same deal. WHO CARES. What choices do I have? None.... so relax, I'll figure it out. You all give great long distance rates (that suck compared to the rates south of the border... and its the SAME FREAKING DISTANCE FROM COAST TO COAST) You all have texting plans and we get it, teenagers love to text, facebook, and listen to cool music. And you can do it all. Wonderful for you, and I am so happy that you took the time to share that with us again, and again and AGAIN.....
I am far too young to be lamenting the good ole days, and I would be less likely to complain if the repetition didn't drive me nuts. And I get it companies, repetition is good, its why I can hum da da da da da, I'm lovin it. And everyone thinks of McDonalds. But make it a short jingle, not an annoying three minute patently unfunny story about three teens in a convertible that they likely cannot afford.
I'm out bitches!
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